10 Lines on “A Cyclone”
- A cyclone is a storm that takes place due to changes in the air pressure.
- Winds from places around rush to that area.
- The air rises up, and that area becomes cool.
- The wind blows really fast, almost 80 kilometers per hour and is often followed by rain.
- Cyclones cause a lot of harm sometimes.
- Things get blown away.
- Little boats in the harbour turn round and round in the wind, huts and trees get destroyed in villages, crops are damaged, animals also die.
- When a cyclone is very severe, even cattle sometimes get blown away.
- In the olden days people used to say that a cyclone took place because the Gods were angry with man and this was their way of teaching him a lesson.
- The Government and social workers help people whose homes get damaged due to a cyclone.
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