10 Lines “On My Way To School”
- I usually walk to school. The quickest route is through the park. The walk takes me about fifteen minutes.
- I pass the children’s play park first. There were a lot of young children on the swings this morning. There were also some playing in the sand pit.
- It was only 7.00 am. The children must have got up very early.
- There are always a few people jogging in the park. This morning there seemed to be more runners than usual.
- Some of them looked exhausted. One runner told me that several of them are training for 3, marathon race.
- It is in aid of charity and it will take place this weekend. Lots of people walk their dogs in the park. I recognize most of the dogs.
- This morning there was a strange dog there. It was very big and strong. It started to chase some of the other dogs.
- Most of them ran away. Two of them started to fight with the strange dog. One of the owners tried to stop the fight.
- The strange dog bit her. She screamed and someone sent for the police.
- I do not know what happened next. I had to go to school.
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