10 Lines on “The Unforgettable Experience”
- I shall never forget the hotel my parents and I stayed in the last summer.
- It was quite small, hot and uncomfortable. The worst thing about the hotel was the lift. It was tiny.
- There was only one for the whole of the hotel. We were on the fifth floor.
- It was a long way down to the ground floor by the stairs. The hotel was full.
- There was always a queue for the lift. We spent long time waiting for it each day. It was also unreliable. It kept breaking down. We got very annoyed about that.
- One morning we had got the lift down on the ground floor. I had forgotten my jacket. I went back to my room for it.
- I pressed the button for lift and it came right away. I stopped halfway down. It was not at any of the floors.
- It had broken down! Panicked! I banged on the door and shouted. Then I pressed the alarm bell.
- Fortunately, Mom and Dad guessed what had happened and told the receptionist.
- I was rescued! I still have nightmares about that lift. In fact, I am now nervous about all lifts. I keep thinking that they will break down any time.
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