Home » English Essay » 10 Lines Essay on “When the Parents Are Angry” English Essay for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Students.

10 Lines Essay on “When the Parents Are Angry” English Essay for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Students.

10 Lines on “When the Parents Are Angry”

  1. My parents are gentle but they get angry sometimes but that is for a very short time. The reactions of my mother and father are of different types.
  2. Whereas my mother gets angry very often, my father is cool and calm. My mother is a working lady and has to work on two fronts.
  3. She has to cook food, clean the kitchen and wash the clothes. She has to also reach the office on time. She gets tired and irritated.
  4. I know her mood and when she starts snubbing my father, I lock myself in the bedroom. When she cools down, I come out silently as if nothing had happened.
  5. She has the habit of nagging everyone. I have gotten used to it.
  6. When my mother works hard in the kitchen. My father sits in the puja room, quite relaxed.
  7. He gets angry once in a year. When he gets angry, he becomes like the God of fire.
  8. His eyes burn, his muscles twitch and he is ready to give vent to his anger everywhere. The first victim of his anger is my elder brother.
  9. Papa catches him by the ear and pulls it so hard that he starts crying.
  10. Mother tries to save him at the risk of getting beaten herself. My turn came only once, when I secured zero in the mathematics.

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