Should There Be School Uniforms?
The word ‘uniform’ itself suggests its objective — one form. ‘Uniform’ means identical and consistent. When students wear a particular uniform which is unique to their school or group it imbibes in them the feeling of oneness, belonging, and being the same. It actually helps to bring students from different social groups together.
Students beg to differ. Uniforms, they say, inhibits their individuality and wearing identical clothes makes them feel robotic. Uniforms curtail their freedom of expression. The debate goes on. There are other ways of showing one’s individuality and it is unfair that the uniform has to take the brunt for it. Showing one’s individuality through dress is not required at this young age.
Wearing the same uniform puts all students on the same platform. It’s easier on the parents pockets as uniforms are generally wash and wear and are relatively cheaper than buying fancy clothes. Wearing a uniform gives you repeated an identity. Uniforms also help keep the focus on education which is where it should rightly be.