Stay At Home Mothers
There must be a reason why nature intended for the woman to give birth to the baby. It is the woman who becomes pregnant, the woman who lactates. To care and nurture are inherent qualities of a woman and the reason why they are better equipped between the two sexes to raise children. From a feminist point of view, a woman should be able to choose what she wants to do. It seems only fair that she should also have the opportunity to pursue a career and fulfil her dreams. But for most women its an either or situation. Full time career climbing and motherhood do not mix and often a compromise has to be made.
Having children should not be looked upon as a right but more as a privilege, that one must earn. A nanny or a day care center cannot be a substitute for a parent. However, not all moms have the liberty to make that choice. Children raised by stay at home moms are more confidant and psychologically sounder than children that stay at day care or the latch key children who let themselves in to the house themselves. Women are torn between their children and careers. Many have found an in between solution in part-time jobs.
Whether or not women should stay home is a matter of their personal choice. The fact remains that children benefit from the presence of their mom and the feeling of emotional security that a mother’s presence generates cannot be discounted.