Why The Colour of Male Birds Are Brighter Than The Female Birds?
Let us first understand that, why the birds have colour at all. Many reasons have been advanced in regard to the colouring of birds, but science does not fully feel convinced. It is difficult to explain why certain birds are brilliantly coloured, while others are in the dull shade. Some birds we can hardly spot while others stand out thoroughly bright.
We can make an effort to find a few rules that hold true in respect of most birds. The first rule is, that the birds that spend most of their time on treetops in the open air or on the water have bright colours. The birds with duller colours spend their time mostly on the ground. The second rule is not without exceptions, accordingly, the upper parts of birds are brighter, while these underparts are duller in colour.
The facts remain that, according to science the colour pro-vides protection to the birds. They cannot be quickly spotted by enemies. This is called “protective colouration”. The colour of a snipe blends perfectly with the grasses of marshes which is its abode. A woodcock’s colours look exactly like fallen leaves.
Since the colours are meant to afford protection, which bird needs the most protection, the male or female? The female needs most because it has to sit on the nest and hatch the eggs. Nature provides duller colours to females in protection.
The bright colours of males attract the fcmalc3 duni% the breeding season. During this season the colours of males are usually the brightest. Even among birds, we see, there can be love at the first sight.