What Do You Know About Magnet?
There is an old legend, that a shepherd by name Magnes, tending his flocks along the slopes of Mount Ida, discovered that his iron Crook and the iron nails of his sandals were clinging to a dark black stone. The fact being, that certain stones could attract iron was the discovery of magnetism. These mysterious stones were also found near a place called Magnesia in Asia Minor. Thus the name “Magnet” may have been created in either of these reasons.
With the passage of time, further discoveries were made about magnetism. It was found that iron pieces got attracted the magnetic stones. The rubbing of iron pieces against magnetic stones, magnetized them. Thousands of years ago, it was also discovered that a suspended magnet always pointed towards north. This is how we created a compass. The magnetic stones were called “Lode-stone”. The name comes from “leading stone”, because they helped guide the wanderer.
During the reign of Queen Elizabeth, it was discovered that every magnet has two definite poles, these poles are opposite in nature. Like poles repel each other, and unlike poles attract each other.
Not, much was done about magnetism until the beginning of the 19th century. In the year 1820 a Danish scientist, discovered that a wire carrying an electric discovered that a wire carrying an electric current also created a magnetic field. This is how we are lead to the discovery that putting soft iron core inside wires that were connected to a battery, the iron became magnetized. This was the creation of the electromagnet. It was much powerful than any other natural magnet ever known
The electromagnet thus created made possible many of the most fascinating and important and useful instruments we have now. Not only that the electromagnets lift weights but they play a part in bells and buzzers, dynamos and motors, in fact anything in which electric current is used.
There had been long known that the force of magnet reaches outcome distance from the magnet, Michael Faraday was the first Scientist to discover and define and show the “The fields of force and “Lines of force”. The understanding of this made possible such developments as telephone, the electric light, the radio and so on possible.
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