Think before you Act
At one time, a temple was being constructed a short distance from the city. The timberwork was very much in the temple, so many workers who used to cut wood were engaged in work. There was lumbering and there was a work of rubbing lathis and beads. All laborers had to go to town to have lunch, so no one was there for an hour at noon. If it was time to eat one day, all the laborers would have left the work. A latha half-sheet was left. The laborers went into fraying half a kilo, and they went away. By doing so, it is easy to re-enter the saw. At that time a group of monkeys jumped and jumped. They also had a mischievous monkey, who continued to tamper with mean things. It was his habit to take the wings. The Sardar of the monkey ordered everyone not to sneak through the things that were there. All the monkeys went towards the trees, but the devil monkey was left behind by looking at everyone’s eye and felt guilty. His eyes fell on the loins Simply, she peeled on it and started looking at the keys that were shipped in the middle. Then he saw the nearby sawi. Taking it up, he started rubbing on the wood. When she began to get the voice of Kirrar-Kirrar, she shook her rage. In the language of those monkeys, the meaning of Kirarr-Kirrar was ‘Nikhattu’. He began to see the nails trapped between the ladders again. He started wondering about what would happen if this nail was removed from the middle of the lath?
Now he began to insist on pushing the nail and pulling it out. The spike trapped between the lathtes has been tightened very fast between the two pieces because the two sides of the lathate are pressing it like a very strong spring clip. The monkey started thrusting hard and trying to move it. When Killa started jolting and moving, the monkey was happy over his power. He started moving nicely and keenly waving the key. The middle of the monkey’s tail had come between two pieces, which he did not know. He got excited and hit a jerk and as soon as the kimla pulled out, two shorts of lathate got attached like a clip from the cracker and the monkey tail trapped in the middle Monkey shouts screaming Then the laborers returned there. Seeing them, the monkey is thrust, so his tail broke. He ran away with a broken tail screaming Learning: Do not do any work without thinking.