Home » English Essay » Essay on “Safety Precautions in The Home” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.

Essay on “Safety Precautions in The Home” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.

Safety Precautions in The Home

Surprisingly and contrary to popular belief, more accidents happen in the home than in the streets. Perhaps this is because most of our time is spent at home. Accidents can cause great sorrow, and taking into consideration the fact that there is no place like a safe home. I think it is worthwhile discussing the safety precautions that should be observed in every home.

Electrical gadgets, no doubt, take a load off the hands of housewives.

Faulty gadgets, however, have caused many accidents. Most of these could have been prevented as home accidents, as a rule. are the result of carelessness. In view of this, I suggest that these appliances not be handled with wet hands. Water is a conductor of electricity and the chances of being electrocuted are high. Fuses should be installed wherever possible as they prevent fires. Faulty gadgets should not be used or should be repaired immediately by qualified electricians.

Medicines and poisonous substances should be kept away from the reach of children. They should have little if any, access to sharp objects such as knives and scissors. Cuts are by far the most common of home accidents.

Handles of saucepans should be placed away from one while cooking. Otherwise, a careless move may lead to scalding. Boiling water or oil is likely to cause scalds and these can be very painful experiences. Burns too are common. Therefore pots and pans should not be touched with bare hands unless one is certain that the pots are not hot. Extra care should also be taken whilst using an iron.

Swallowing of objects is common among small children. Bright colors, in particular, attract their attention and the first thing they do on getting these objects is to put them in their mouths. Such objects should be kept away from children. Plastic bags left around the home can cause suffocation. Here too, children form the majority of the victims. Litter should be placed in plastic bags before being disposed of instead of being thrown everywhere. We have to congratulate the Ministry of the Environment on having thought of this very good idea.

Floors, no doubt, have to be cleaned and polished regularly. All the same, avoid making them too slippery. People may slip and one can imagine the danger if the victim is a pregnant woman. Playing with matches and fire should be discouraged among children. Their carelessness can result in fires.

Last but not least, I suggest that parents equip themselves and their children with a sound knowledge of First Aid. Accidents in the home can never be totally eliminated but First Aid will definitely make matters safer.

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