Writer – Playing With Words
“Have something to say and say it as clearly as you can. That is the only secret.”
-Matthew Arnold
A Writer is very often referred to as a wordsmith because of his ability to compose words beautifully. This profession can be adopted by a person who is good with words, grammar, is imaginative and logical, can think out of the box, express ideas clearly, do in-depth analysis to gather facts, and must understand the audience well.
Talent to write, like life, is an art to be used to promote truth and beauty. Writers, today, wield tools capable of influencing the global mental landscape. However, having the power to influence so vast an audience brings with it a serious moral responsibility. Writer’s conscious of their duty towards society never let this aspect slip their mind. Writing can be spontaneous, triggered by inspiration, or plotted. Whichever the mode, if it appeals to the audience and brings the message through, it is successful and satisfying.
Sir Isaac Asimov said — It is the writer who might catch the imagination of the young people, and plant a seed that will flower and come to fruition.