Being A Perfectionist
Man is not perfect. He however tries to be perfect by Focusing on tiny details; so much so that he does not even start to work. Perfectionism can be debilitating. The endless worry of matching up to someone’s expectations builds up high anxiety and depression. Perfectionism prevents us from doing things and enjoying the task at hand. Hence, instead of trying to be a perfectionist, we should just strive to give the job our 100%.
We as human beings can not be perfect. It doesn’t mean that we get deterred from striving for excellence. Perfection, which is attainable, should be worked upon and one must continuously strive for better standards. Excellence presumes that we are doing the best we can do for the task and this creates motivation within us. That is the true key to success in any endeavour. Praise for a job well done follow and thus a motivation cycle gets created. An aim to improve on the previous performance is a safe path to being a perfectionist.