People may think that it is might that rules. Indeed there is even now many worshipper power. But a little thinking shows that it is the knowledge that rules the world. A man of knowledge possesses immense influence. He has the knowledge of the objects around him which mystify or battle the ignorant. If he is a scientist he studies the phenomena of nature and chains the mighty forces of nature and enlists them to human service. Thus today the forces of nature give us light, energy, comfort, and power. A man of knowledge understands his fellowmen and judges them rightly. That is why it becomes easy for him to lead them. He inspires confidence which an ignorant man, however powerful he otherwise maybe, never does. In times of danger, the man of knowledge proves himself to be a man of resources. Lastly, such a man knows and understands himself. There is no knowledge greater than the knowledge of self. Knowing oneself means mastering one’s passions and controlling one’s faculties. This gives one immense power.