A Day in the life of a Telephone Hello! I am your friend and I am called Telephone though some people call me Land Line. Personally, I find that rather rude. As it is, these days I am a little miffed as people go gaga...
What is Creative Writing,”Tips for an Aspiring Writer” Creative Fiction/Non-Fiction Writing, Literary Work
Creative Writing Tips for An Aspiring Writer The first step has to be reading the works of other writers who have made it big in this field. It should be a critical reading, with senses alert, soaking up details and analyzing them constantly. This...
What is Creative Writing, Creative Fiction/Non-Fiction Writing, Literary Work
Creative Writing Man is a social animal. Once his basic needs of food, water, shelter, and clothing are met he feels a gnawing need to communicate. It is because of this inherent need that language came about. The basic language is primarily used to convey...
How To Practice Script Writing, Best tips for Script Writing, Art of Script Writing
How To Practice Script Writing Choose a favorite story: Choose your favorite story from a book, comic, movie, etc. Identify the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Write down the story based on the essentials of scriptwriting. Choose a word, verb or adjective, person,...
What are Common Script Writing Mistakes, Best tips for Script Writing, Art of Script Writing
Common Script Writing Mistakes For a novice scriptwriter, it is very easy to make mistakes while formulating the script. This typically begins with the script having a lot of words, wherein the characters have a lot of dialogues to spout out. Like I mentioned earlier,...
What are Essentials of Script Writing for A Play, Best tips for Script Wrinting, Art of Script Writing
Essentials of Script Writing for a Play As a scriptwriter, it is the story in your script that is really the star. You need a compelling story to allow your characters to develop and keep the reader and the audience, eventually, emotionally involved. The following...
Types of Plays and Script Writing, Best tips for Script Wrinting, Art of Script Writing
Types of Plays There are different types of plays and the script for each would depend on the type. Street play: Street plays are short-length plays, typically not lasting more than 15 — 30 minutes. But they still have a complete story with a beginning,...
What Is Script Writing, Best tips for Script Writing, Art of Script Writing
Script Writing There are few emotions that come close to the feeling that a scriptwriter gets sitting in the back of a theatre watching live actors perform his/her words, while an audience laughs and cries and eventually bursts into applause. It is like watching a...
English Article on “Diwali Memories” for Students and Children for Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, competition.
Diwali Memories My memories of Diwali while growing up are almost perfect. The house was decorated with many small diya’s and other illuminating decorations. Bursting crackers, wearing new clothes, visiting friends and relatives, eating delicious food, and offering thanks to the Almighty, all of these...
Akbar-Birbal Hindi Moral Story “Kiska Naukar Kaun”, “किसका नौकर कौन” for Kids, Educational Story for Students of class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

किसका नौकर कौन Kiska Naukar Kaun जब कभी दरबार में अकबर और बीरबल अकेले होते थे तो किसी न किसी बात पर बहस छिड़ जाती थी। एक दिन बादशाह अकबर बैंगन की सब्जी की खूब तारीफ कर रहे थे। बीरबल भी बादशाह की हां में...