Children Have Their Woes/Reasons All of us have reasons for doing and saying whatever we do or say. But we elders normally fail to understand that children also have their own worries and their own reasons. We somehow refuse to believe that the child is,...
English Essay on “Life is Better for Us than What It Was for Our Forefathers” for Students.
Life is Better for Us than What It Was for Our Forefathers When we talk of forefathers we may include our elders from the very early stages of life. So, if we see the life of the early man and that of ours today, we...
English Essay on “Discipline” Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 Students.
Discipline These days there is a lot of talk of discipline has gone down, and indiscipline being rampant in every feasible sphere of life. This is very true but, let us quite clearly understands what discipline really means. Discipline is in essence, the training of...
English Essay on “Cause of Frustration Among The Indian Youth” Best Essay, Paragraph for Class 10, 12
Cause of Frustration Among The Indian Youth T et us, first of all, analyze what is meant by the word frustration L Frustration is a deep feeling of defeat that makes a home in minds of an individual. Why is this feeling in the young...
English Essay on “Relevance of Gandhian Values in The 21st Century” Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech.
Relevance of Gandhian Values in The 21st Century Let us first consider what really values are. These are the general norms L we set for ourselves to live our routine lives in the family, in society, in office and in the nation. In all these...
English Essay on “Traditional Social System of India” Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10,12
Traditional Social System of India Through the ages, India has been very well known throughout the world for its strong social bonds. We have for long been the envy of several far-off countries for this very tradition of social bonds. When we consider society, the...
English Essay on “The decline of The Indian Society in The Modern Era – 20th Century” for students.
The decline of The Indian Society in The Modern Era – 20th Century Indian Society from times immemorial has been praised and praised by I the world. However, with a variety of influences especially from the west, Indian society is facing a downhill march. The...
English Essay on “Joint Family” Best Essay, Paragraph for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 Students.
Joint Family A joint family was a phenomenon found only in India of the bygone A days. This really meant that the parents with all their children and grandchildren stayed together under one single roof. This system could prevail for decades for several reasons. First...
English Essay on “The Indian Middle Class” Best Essay, Paragraph for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.
The Indian Middle Class In any country, a society can be neatly divided into three main classes, mainly as per their financial status. The top class is the rich class which is a class by itself, absolutely unmoved and untouched no matter what happens to...
English Essay on “In India, East Meets West Culturally” Best Essay, Paragraph for Class 9, 10 and 12
In India, East Meets West Culturally In the present century, we have seen a lot of admixture of the East and I West, at least in India. Let us understand very clearly that, any country whether of the East or the West, is best known...