Simple Tips On How To Write A Good Article
- Focus on human interest — the feel and emotion that you put in an article are what make a good read. Don’t think about being too scientific, unless you are writing one.
- Be clear about why you are writing the article — is it to inform, educate, persuade, argue, evaluate or evoke an emotion.
- Write in active voice. In active voice sentences, people do things in the present, as opposed to passive voice sentences where the action happens in the end or things are being done by someone else.
- Accuracy is important. You can embroider and interpret, but you cannot lie.
- Use anecdotes, examples and direct quotes to tell your story. Keep your words short.
- Keep your audience firmly in mind, what are their desires? What would they like to know?
- Be careful of your spellings. Do not rely on the spell check of the computer.
- Avoid lengthy, complex paragraphs. Articles are usually written for newspapers or magazines, where a couple of sentences will constitute a paragraph.
- Avoid clichés and sentimental sentences in the conclusion of your article.
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