Home » English Essay » English Essay on “Advantage of Early Rising” Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 Students.

English Essay on “Advantage of Early Rising” Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 Students.

Advantage of Early Rising

The great advantage of early rising is the good start it gives us in our day’s work. The early riser has done a large amount of hard work before the other men have got out of bed. In the early morning, the mind is fresh, and there are few sounds or other distractions, so that the work done at that time, is generally well done. In many cases, the early riser also finds time to take some exercise in the fresh morning air, and this exercise supplies him with a fund of energy that will last until the evening. By beginning so early, he knows that he has plenty of time to do thoroughly all the work he can be expected to do and is not tempted to hurry over any part of it. He goes to sleep several hours before midnight, at the time when sleep is most refreshing and after a sound night’s sleep rises early next morning in good health and spirits for the labors of a new day. It is very plain that such a life as this is far more conducive to health than that of the man who shortens his waking hours by rising late and can afford little leisure in the course of the day. The late riser, despite his best efforts, will probably not produce as good a result as the early riser, because he misses the best working hours of the day.

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