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English Essay on “An Ideal Teacher” for Students Best Essay, Paragraph Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12

An Ideal Teacher

An ideal teacher is a true builder of the nation. He is fearless, sincere, and earnest in the discharge of his duties towards the students and the nation as a whole. An ideal teacher is considered an object of admiration and devotion for the students. These days, students do not like to study from harsh and unsympathetic teachers. An ideal teacher creates such confidence in his students that they are always ready to sacrifice for the cause of their teacher.

It is found that these days many teachers always try to find fault with the work or deeds of their students instead of looking and changing their own attitudes. There comes utter ruin of the society when teachers grow weak or corrupt. As such, teachers must play the role of lamps that shatter the darkness, become the lighthouses that guide the wandering ships to their right destinations, and prevent any accidents. An ideal teacher builds an everlasting impression on the minds of his students. Such students then always remember ideal teachers and get them enshrined in their hearts. The hardworking and hard taskmasters are always remembered and loved by the students later. The students think that whatever position they have been able to attain is all due to the able guidance or hard work of their teacher.

An ideal teacher tries to spend most of his time in the pursuit of studies. He is mostly after the latest information and researches on various subjects. He goes through the journals and magazines to keep him well-informed and to give up-to-date knowledge to his students. He treats the library of his school or college as a temple of knowledge. He always tries to make the most difficult subject intelligible to his pupils. He has the art to understand the difficulties of students and would come down to their level with compassion and sympathy. He always tries to be regular and punctual to set an example before his students. Time is money for an ideal teacher who thinks that the loss of a second means loss of hundreds of minutes to the nation.

An ideal teacher displays extreme simplicity inspite of his extraordinary academic attainments. He dedicates his whole life to the cause of education. He never allows his students to be idle or indisciplined. The vastness of his knowledge deeply impresses every student but an ideal teacher is never proud of it. An ideal teacher is busy with his books and quest for some knowledge even after he gets retired. In fact, ideal teachers never get retired since, with age, their depth of information and knowledge goes on increasing. They always remain a source of knowledge and guidance.

For an ideal teacher, all students are alike. He is never partial to any student and is always fair. An ideal teacher does not favor any student on grounds of his social status. He treats each student equally. He always remains simple in his habits.

Ideal teachers are honored not only at the state level but at the national level. Every year, teachers are selected for due recognition for their contribution to the cause of society by providing the best education and guiding the students to build a better nation.

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