Home » English Essay » English Essay on “Influence of TV” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 Students

English Essay on “Influence of TV” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 Students

Influence of TV

Television is a compound word of ‘tele’ and ‘vision’. Tele means distant and vision means sight. TV is a scientific achievement where we see talking, playing, singing, etc. image in distance. The credit goes to Barid who discovered such a marvelous discovery to serve mankind.

TV has two sides of the coin. On one side there are various programs through which people are benefitted. On second side it has some bad effects which try to influence the attitude, behavior of man. Its positive influence can be discussed below:

It has an educational influence. It telecasts different programs on education to educate people. It provides scientific, agricultural, etc. education. It gives information about trading people can apply knowledge in agriculture, industry and so on. There are many programs that help to gain knowledge and remove ignorance.

It gives day-to-day information about what is going to happen around the world. It makes us informative. We can be informed about political, cultural, etc. happening of the world.

It helps us to be healthy because in a healthy mind only the future generation depends. Various games, yoga, etc. always drive our attention to make us healthy.

It has bad influences too. Due to various channels and programs, people especially children watch television. People are seen preferring to watching television to playing games, walking, making friends, doing homework, reading books. Video games, cartoons are very popular among children. It wastes their time, affects studies, and also affects eyesight.

Finally, television is watched on or given time then it can play an important role in society. It is a revolutionary achievement in the field of communication. So television can be our need not luxury and helps us to lead a happy and moral life.

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