Home » English Essay » English Essay on “Jamun- The Purple Surprise” Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 Students.

English Essay on “Jamun- The Purple Surprise” Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 Students.

Jamun- The Purple Surprise

The sight of Jamuns at the breakfast table this morning made me very happy. I really love this fruit, especially when served with a dash of black salt. My dad bought these from a nearby orchard, and promised me a visit there too.

The caretaker at the orchard was very knowledgeable about Jamuns. He told us that it is also called black slum or Indian blackberry. The trees grow up to 30 meters in height and can live beyond a 100 years. When fully ripe, the fruit is a shiny crimson black. But beneath, the flesh is light purple and very juicy. He also mentioned that Jamuns have medicinal properties. They are recommended to diabetics and the seed is used to treat digestive ailments. The leaves and bark are used in treating blood pressure and gingivitis. I ate a lot of fruits that day and walked away realising how tasty and healthy a fruit the Jamun is!

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