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English Essay on “Lessons We Learn From History” Best Essay, Paragraph for Class 9, 10, 11, and 12.

Lessons We Learn From History

History is one subject in the galaxy of subjects that teaches its readers not only the subject but also a lot of wisdom. Most people hold the view that history is just a list of events that have occurred and put only in chronological order. True history is a chronological list of events. But, if we study it only as that we are missing on it and we are not giving the subject its correct status.

This subject has such a large perspective of things that, no other subject that is studied ever can be without its history. Science has a history, technological development has a history, religion has a history. No subject of any significance is without a history, then how can we say that history is trash. If man had not discovered that fire can be produced by rubbing two stones, how would the theory of the creation of fire come into being? If the ancient man would not have produced the wheel, how could we know the present uses of the wheel? If the Hindu religion did not have the division of castes, how would the present situation of castes come into being? So we can say that the very essence of man’s progress is based on history and its study.

The evolution of man itself is based on history, his progress and most of his scientific and technological developments are all the results of man’s history. If the History of evolution had not been confined into history books, and if we had not read these books, how would we know about our past, and how would we maintain the tempo of development and progress. Man learnt from his mistakes, his experiences, the shortcomings of his ancestors, and continued to progress. Is this not a contribution to history? Does this not make the study of history important for us? The one single subject that had contributed so immensely to the constant and continuous growth of civilization is history.

Another plea for not studying this drab subject is when people say history is just what passed away people have done. In this regard, we must remember that we are not only studying what they did but in the process, we are trying to understand what mistakes have they committed, and why? It has often been said that history repeats itself. This means that if we repeat the same mistakes we will reach the same disasters. Is this very little an advantage of the study of the subject that, as people, as a community, as a country, we realise the mistakes of our ancestors, and we do not commit the same mistakes and get the same results? So, here comes the wisdom imparted by this lone subject. It is only after the study of history that we can assess the mistakes of the preceding generations. It is from history the Britishers have learnt that imperialism cannot continue forever. It is from history that Indians have learnt that we have to remain united to keep the country one single unit, to keep it safe and strong. It is the study of history that makes the modern world shudder to think of another nuclear holocaust.

The memory of Nagasaki and Hiroshima is still fresh in the minds of the world and so the fear of repetition of this keeps us aware and cautious. If we had not studied all these facts written in our history books, our reservoir of knowledge would have been much less, and we would not have been so well aware of the results of certain actions. Is this not enough of a gift to the world, of just one single subject?

If there would not have been this subject, how would we ever be able to assess how much man has progressed from the animal he was, to the highly sophisticated creation of God that he is today? How would we ever know about our own India’s rich cultural heritage, and so also how would we have been able to assess how and why we have become a third world country as we are today? Again, all this because of our study of history.

The differences of culture in different parts of the world are also brought to our knowledge by the history of the world. It is only through the study of history that we come to know about the social, political and educational systems of the world, and we can adapt them to our country, if we feel the need. History! Besides gaining knowledge, this subject teaches us the wisdom of life and teaches us the causes and effects of different actions. If we continue to learn from our history we shall never make the same mistakes again – and that would be quite a step forward. Like science, history also gives us formulae. Science gives formulae for the progress of elements and history gives us formulae of success. If we learn from history, we humans will certainly continue to forge ahead and become a more and more disciplined and cultured force.

Besides the big lessons that we learn from history, it also teaches us how to behave in our day-to-day lives. We learn how discipline helped the forces of Alexander the Great to overcome Indians, and how at the same time and venue, the undisciplined forces of India surrendered to them. We learn how with their service to India through missionaries, the British could steadily spread their wings through the length and breadth of India. We learn from history how love for mankind made saints of Vivekananda, Gautama Buddha and Mahavira. We learn from history how man’s desire to dominate others result in the ultimate breakup of the British Empire in India. The greatest lesson that history has taught us Indians is the lesson we learnt from our struggle for independence, i.e. we learnt how much we can achieve if we stand united and have flair for nationalism.

Thus, this single subject which often faces the — ridicule of students and elders provides us with a sea of knowledge, insight and wisdom. It also teaches what the finer feelings of love and service can do for the man. This one subject teaches us to become human and of course, it is the alma mater of all other subjects, as the history of any subject is taught before starting the study of the subject itself. It may be said that history is the mother of all other subjects, and should not be considered as, only a chronology of events, of the world, it is much more than just that. It is this subject that gives us the understanding of all countries that we can assess our position vice-a-versa others, and then continue on our path of progress.

When we study the biographies of great men, we learn how to follow in their footsteps and try to achieve at least a semblance of their greatness. These biographies teach us the qualities of great men which we can emulate and try to be achievers. This single subject makes such an enormous contribution that it will not behave any of us to talk of it in a jocular tone, on slight it. It teaches us to be good humans. It teaches us what actions are likely to have what reactions. It brings to light our rich heritage and also teaches us how other countries are progressing. So we can say that history is a great teacher.

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