Home » English Essay » English Essay on “Save the Receding Ice Cap” Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 Students.

English Essay on “Save the Receding Ice Cap” Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 Students.

Save the Receding Ice Cap

The world is talking about the receding polar ice caps. Is it truly happening? Will, there be a North and South Pole for the future generations to come, or will Santa Claus have to move elsewhere?

Polar ice caps act as the water reservoir for the whole world. It is a very sensitive region where the slightest global climate changes can be felt first. Snow and ice form a protective, cooling layer over the Arctic. When the covering melts, the earth absorbs more sunlight and gets hotter. Melting polar ice caps means rising ocean levels and an abrupt change in the global climate of the earth. This change can have far-reaching effects on not only the environment but also on the global economy. If we can contain the emission of Greenhouse gases and carbon, global warming and consequently the melting of polar ice caps can be restricted. We are all on thin ice and it is time we acted fast. It is a wake-up call for us to save the Earth.

“What we take for granted may not be there for our children.”

– Al Gore (An Inconvenient Truth)

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