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English Essay on “Social Networking Sites” Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

Social Networking Sites

Social networking is an online platform where people can develop social networks. The people having the same interests are able to share ideas and opinions with a vast network with the help of such sites. There are many social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram where people can find and connect to their old friends. These sites have decreased the geographical boundaries between two persons. People are able to set up conversations with each other at any time from any place. The trend which was started in 1990’s has now become so much popular that most of the people can be found sticking to these sites. So many features have been included in these sites where people can share their profiles with others. Some sites allow creating groups according to tastes and interests. It has features where a person can join various communities, applications and carry on many more activities online. People are able to share pictures and video clubs with their friends.

Social networking sites have become the latest trend famous especially among youths and college students. They spend a lot of time on these networking sites. But, they are unaware of the fact that these social networking sites are not just a source of entertainment. The social networking sites are beneficial in various fields. Social networking sites provoke extreme reactions. You either like it or hate it. There are no in-between. The rise of social networking sites has been phenomenal due to the immense freedom it affords. While the internet made the world a global village, the social networking sites has brought the world within the four walls. You can make friends, interact with them, and get to know the various cultures and places through them even while sitting at the same desk.

Social networking is a recent invention that has achieved tremendous popularity with the people. This is mostly because it really is for the people. Bringing every kind of social group together in one place and letting them interact is really a big thing indeed. Everything about it lies on the advantages and disadvantages of social networking, and what it can do for you. As for advantages, it’s cheaper to use online social networking for both personal and business reasons because most of it is usually free. While personal use is rather simple for anyone, the business functions are underestimated by many. In a social networking site, you can scout out potential customers and target markets with just a few clicks and keystrokes, adding a boost to your usual advertisements and promotional strategies. It lets you learn about their likes and dislikes, which is tremendous. If you want to fine-tune your business, this is the way to go.

You definitely can gain the customers’ confidence if you can connect to them on both a personal and professional level. Despite having to do a bit of work, it definitely pays off as you can be tapped for an offer if someone catches wind of your products or services. As long as you pursue them too aggressively, you can certainly do well here.

You are friends with people who have other friends, and so on. There is potential in such a common situation. By using a social networking site, you can do what you can and get connected with these people to form a web of connections that can give you leverage if you play your cards right. As long as you give as well as you receive, they will most likely stick with you.

There are some obvious disadvantages also. Many people make a wrong use of the social sites to provide wrong information and misguide people. You are putting out information about your name, location, age, gender etc. that you may not want to let everybody know. Most people would advise you to be careful, but no one can be certain at any given time. When people know who you exactly are, they can always find ways to harm your reputation in one way or the other.

There is a definite potential for failure of security in both personal and business contexts. While many sites apply certain measures to keep any of these cases of harassment, cyber-stalking, online scams, and identity theft to an absolute minimum, you still may never know.

If this is not your kind of thing, it would just be a waste of time for you. The key to social networking is that it is supposed to be fun, whether you are just doing it for kicks or clicking around for business purposes. That should reason enough for anyone, but there are those people who don’t see the point. For them, it can be a disadvantage.

Now there is something to really think about. Nothing is without a blemish. As long as you go along without making big mistakes, it is all good. You can take advantage of the Internet phenomenon that continues up to this day but you can also sometimes go astray and get lost. Once you understand the advantages and disadvantages of social networking, you can cruise through without fail. Social networking sites are like a double-edged sword that cuts both ways.

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