Home » English Essay » English Essay on “Social Services” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 Students

English Essay on “Social Services” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 Students

Social Services

It is a very nice proverb “service to man is service to god.” It is good to live for oneself but better to live for others. Social service is need of time where many people are involved in the fire of their own selfishness. Literary sacrifices and benevolence are better things to be brought into society for free life. We should be conscious for social responsibility. There are very few people nowadays in the world nowadays who live by working for others. The social service gives us satisfaction and develops fraternity in society.


What good will this education does if we cannot serve men? Our country is a country of villages. By serving villagers we can serve our country. Women’s literacy, freedom, equality, and participation in others activities are the greatest needs of our country. Our democracy is running into difficulty, if we don’t educate our masses, we will be nowhere. During long vacations, students should spread out in the village and teach villagers.


Community service is very important nowadays. They can operate with their presence in villages and accelerate peace and progress. It will be a great joy of participating in big undertakings. They will develop such useful qualities as beam work of co-operation. They will learn the moral lesson of the dignity of labor. Social workers can teach people a sense of hygiene and cleanliness.


To serve for others without personal greed and interest is called social service. If we work for others, it gives pleasure, satisfaction, and honor. So, it should be made compulsory in our life.

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