The emergence of Power in Asian countries
With the rapid development of Asian countries, their energy requirements are bound to shoot up and these will have to be met by tapping the new potential in Central Asia or the South China Sea. Not surprisingly, there are already struggles to take control of these resources. This explains, too, the U.S. interest in the Central Asian republics and the ASEAN region. There is an inherent contradiction in U.S. policies towards Asia. Even as the U.S. asserts that it will fight the emergence of any power that challenges its position as the leading manager of the international system, it is doing everything to inhibit the growth of countervailing power centers in Asia which will balance the rapidly developing Chinese power. American policies towards Japan, Russia, and India appear to be self-defeating and are likely to lead to a confrontation between the U.S. and China in the not too distant future. The Chinese are already talking of a Cold War between the two countries.