Home » English Essay » English Essay on “The New 20-Point Economic Programme” Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 Students.

English Essay on “The New 20-Point Economic Programme” Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 Students.

The New 20-Point Economic Programme

Mr. A.B.A.G. Gani Khan Choudhary initiated the new economic programme. He was the minister of Programme Implementation. In this programme, stress was laid on uprooting poverty, as a significant number of our countrymen lives, below the poverty line. Its other aims were raising productivity, reducing inequalities in income, removal of economic and social disparities and above all, general improvement of qualities of life.

Other programmes on the agenda were projects to help women, youth and rural masses. To curb population explosion, it was emphasised that the two-child norm be adhered to. Various rural development programmes have been started with a view to improving productivity and production. Ways and means will be found for expanding rural employment. There has been a provision for the betterment of rain-fed agriculture. For it, moisture will be conserved and management of land water resources will be fully ensured. Steps will be taken to develop and distribute improved seeds and reduce the chances of drought, famine and food.
Villages will be made ideal villages. Their quality of life will certainly be improved. More and more land reforms will be taken up. Ample of clean drinking water, both germ-free and dirt-free environment will be provided. Health for all, including women and children, will be given special attention. Expansion of education will be taken up. Woman’s status will be raised. Better living and working conditions will be provided. Housing will be given top priority. The existing slum will be improved.

Forestry will get greater importance. Afforestation will begin on large scale. Wastelands and barren lands will be reclaimed fully and put to productive use. The public will be educated in protecting the environment. In order to bring essential commodities within the easy reach of a common man, necessary steps will be taken. The public distribution system will be an ideal system. Price-rise will be curbed with an iron rod.

The supply of cheap power to the farmers will be doubled. Each home located in the far-flung rural areas will be given electricity. No house will be allowed to remain in darkness. That is, the distribution of electricity will be streamlined. For the smooth and successful implementation of the 20-point economic programmes, the administration will be made more responsive. Prompt disposal of public grievances will be assured. No red-tapism will be tolerated at any cost.

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