Home » English Poems » English Poem “The Properly Scholarly Attitude” of poet Adelaide Crapsey complete poem with summery for Students.

English Poem “The Properly Scholarly Attitude” of poet Adelaide Crapsey complete poem with summery for Students.

The Properly Scholarly Attitude

Adelaide Crapsey

The poet pursues his beautiful theme;

The preacher his golden beatitude;

And I run after a vanishing dream

The glittering, will-o-the-wispish gleam

Of the properly scholarly attitude

The highly desirable, the very advisable,

The hardly acquirable, properly scholarly attitude.

I envy the savage without any clothes,

Who lives in a tropical latitude;

It’s little of general culture he knows.

But then he escapes the worrisome woes

Of the properly scholarly attitude?

The unceasingly sighed over, wept over, cried over,

The futilely died over, properly scholarly attitude.

I work and I work till I nearly am dead,

And could say what the watchman said?that I could!

But still, with a sigh and a shake of the head,

You don’t understand, it is ruthlessly said,

The properly scholarly attitude

The aye to be sought for, wrought for and fought for,

The never to be caught for, properly scholarly attitude

I really am sometimes tempted to say

That it’s merely a glittering platitude;

That people have just fallen into the way,

When lacking a subject, to tell of the sway

Of the properly scholarly attitude?

The easily preachable, spread-eagle speechable,

In practice unreachable, properly scholarly attitude.

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