Home » English Essay » Essay on “A Journey by Car to A Distant Town” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8

Essay on “A Journey by Car to A Distant Town” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8

A Journey by Car to A Distant Town

When considering the distance a train journey ought to have been preferred, but my family decided this time to go by car. Our family friend offered his Sedan at our service. The car was a well-maintained one and could stand the long journey. We wanted to avoid the morning rush on the road and so we started the early morning after having tea. All our luggage was packed in and the four of us left. Besides ourselves, there was of course the driver.

Even before we were on the road the day was breaking. There was not much traffic on the road, except for stray animals and the early risers. We sped along the road for nearly 50 km. We stopped at a hotel where we had a hearty breakfast with hot rolls, cheese, fried eggs, and muffins. By the time we left the sun was up and the day was becoming hot. We talked about many things, from the latest film to the forthcoming election and many jokes to cut the boredom.

Though we were a family we had different views and opinions on a number of things. If one could swear by the hippie cult, another could equally speak about the value of transcendental meditation. It is a wonder that such a disparate group could occur in a family.

After some time we switched over to the cassette player and enjoyed the song, hits of some famous musicians. This invention is a great boon to a lonely traveler. Unlike the record player, the cassette is handy and the tape has a longer space and can be erased and recorded.

We stopped at a wayside petrol kiosk for refueling. The road we took was the national highway and so travel was not particularly tedious. We drove past many vehicles, lorries, buses, vans, and trucks. One the way we saw a coconut vendor. It was so tempting that we stopped for a few drinks. The cool, sweet drink was like ambrosia.

As we were nearing our destination, we just stopped to get out of the car in order to tidy up. After that, we continued our journey till we reached our hotel where rooms had been reserved. We were happy that we were able to cover such a distance in a car without any event.

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