Home » English Essay » Essay on “A Morning Walk” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12

Essay on “A Morning Walk” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12

A Morning Walk


New energy

Nothing is perhaps more precious than the cool and fresh breeze which blows in the early hours of the morning. That is why I get up before the day breaks and daily go out for a walk which keeps me fit for the rest of the day.

The chirping of birds around in the trees gives a soothing effect to the nerves. The crops in the fields seem to be dancing in ecstasy. The dew drops hanging from the blades of grass look like iridescent pearls shining in the morning sun.

In the morning the farmers plough their fields as harvesting is preferred to be started in the cool hours of the morning when the body does not start perspiring just after a little strenuous work which happens late in the morning or at noon.


New oxygenated breath

Once I scribbled on paper during my hours of leisure: “A morning walk is a healthy walk, As it is free from idle talk. A morning walk lends charm and vigour; It makes the body fit for day’s rigour.” In the morning often climb up the small hill near our town. From there I see the rising of the golden sun. The whole earth seems to be bathed in the golden light.

I am also very fond of looking at the green plants and the fresh vegetables and grain ears perched on or hanging from those plants. For this, I often pass through green fields.

All these measures altogether lend me freshness, strength, and a strong will to work. I feel the flow of new oxygenated breath in my lungs and a current of glowing energy in my cerebrum.


Gandhi Ji

It is undeniable that the morning walk is very beneficial to health. Particularly those who cannot take vigorous exercise for one reason or the other must have a regular morning walk. It is said that Gandhiji who walked almost twenty miles a day to carry his message to the rural areas, still had long, regular morning walks, and Gandhiji, in spite of strenuous work, enjoyed very good health even in his old age.



Morning walks also provide us pleasure. R.L. Stevenson describes in great detail the benefits of morning walks in his famous essay: “Walking Tours.” He says that we should throw away our watches before starting a walking tour and forget all consideration of time.

Though having a morning walk is an important part of my daily routine, yet I do not have any regular feature where I have to go. Being unable to act upon the sound advice of the learned essayist, R.L. Stevenson, I have to be a little time conscious, though I may take some liberty with time off and on, a few minutes more or less than one and a half hour which I roughly spend during a morning walk.


A rhyme

Often I go to the top of the hill. Sometimes, I also have a walk along the shallow canal which flows near the foot of the hill on the other side. Then occasionally I have a dip in the cool water of the canal.

Sometimes, I also go to the garden. There I have a look at the colourful beautiful flowers and the dancing peacocks, besides the fishes swimming in the pond. The green leaves on the branches of the trees waving in the soft, cool morning breeze are a sight to see. The birds chirping in the trees provide music to the ears which is more harmonious than any musical piece composed by the best human artist.


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