Home » English Essay » Essay on “A Teacher” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English Language.

Essay on “A Teacher” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English Language.

A Teacher

A teacher is regarded as the builder of a nation. A student comes across several teachers during school years. Each teacher has a different style and method of teaching. Although all the teachers are equally good and special, some teachers win special position in the hearts and lives of students. The students admire them the most.

A teacher holds the most pleasing personality. Whether she is tall, short, slim, fat, very fair or dark in complexion she always remains an ideal guru for her students. She possesses all the qualities that a good teacher is expected to have. Under her training and guidance, even the weakest students start showing slow but sure improvement. They start developing more interest in their studies.

Good, sincere, honest and hardworking students have great respect for all their teachers. Some students have a special liking for some teachers. However, a teacher is a woman of values and principles. She takes keen interest in making the students understand the subject. She is a woman of calm temper. She is well-mannered, considerate and kind-hearted person. She is firm and never tolerates indiscipline. She has great knowledge of her subjects. A teacher is always ready to help her students who are in difficulties. Students improve their skills because of her sincere efforts.

A teacher is very confident while teaching in the class. Her voice is clear and loud. What she says is clearly heard. She is punctual, neatly dressed and disciplined. She has a strong self-control. Thus, a teacher is a great mixture of kindness and strictness. She encourages the class to take part in healthy discussions relating to the subject. This helps in increasing the interest and curiosity to know more about the subject. A good teacher is never found losing her patients with those students Who are slow in grasping their studies.

A teacher does not merely read from the book. She teaches her students by narrating interesting historical and other stories during her period. Sometimes she even conducts quizzes and other educational games in the class. This helps us in developing vocabulary and creating interest towards the subject.

A good teacher is a real example to follow in life. All of us miss her badly, especially when we grow up. However, students admire such good teacher the most and hope to be like her when they grow.

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