Adoption As A Choice
Parenthood is an integral stage in the life cycle of a family. Parenting involves nurturing, care and contribution to the growth of another human being. It is much more than procreation and the biological process of birth. The bond between a parent and child is one of “love” that comes through “nurturing” and not just the process of biological birth. Once parents accept this fact, only then could they look forward to the joys of adoptive parenthood.
The attitude towards adoption of children in urban India has witnessed a significant change in the last decade. Adoption of an unrelated child into the family is gaining acceptance and more Indian couples are coming forward to adopt. Child adoption in India has been a prevalent social practice from ancient times but with a different perspective. Earlier the practice was to adopt a child from one’s own family and a childless couple took it upon themselves to “adopt” and bring up a relative’s child, but the adoption of an unrelated child into the family has gained acceptance only recently.
Now more childless couples and single parents are considering the adoption option. A few years ago adoption of only a male child was common but today,more couples are coming forward to adopt girl children. Prospective parents today have begun to understand the legal and social process of adoption and recognise the need to go through child welfare agencies, since it ensures legal security, both for the adopted child and the parents. Private adoptions that were done earlier discreetly through hospitals are discouraged because there is no future legal security for the child and the parents.