Home » English Essay » Essay on “Avoiding Bad Company” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English Language.

Essay on “Avoiding Bad Company” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English Language.

Avoiding Bad Company

Mixing with bad company is what every youngster should avoid. The reason is simple. In such a company, ultimately the adolescent will be exposed to activities that are perhaps unpleasant, unwholesome, rebellious, untruthful or even criminal. Once exposed to such activities, the negative effects can last for a long time, maybe for a lifetime.

The company one keeps will determine largely what he does, how he thinks and where his life will proceed. In other words, keeping bad company will eventually ruin one’s life.

Immoral company is not hard to spot. For example if a person is in the company of friends who have the habit of smoking, then his chances of adopting the same practice increases. Similar goes with the consumption of alcohol and drugs. He may fail to resist his temptations. One try leads to another and it will not be long before he is permanently caught in the clutches of bad habits. Therefore, for our own wellbeing, it is better to avoid such friends. However, there is no need to make enemies of them.

If we mix around with friends who intentionally damage property belonging to others or get something by force or threats, then it is time to stop doing such notorious things with them. Such behaviour can lead to offences that are more serious. It is a matter of time, when we are on the wrong side of the law. Thus, getting out quickly from such company of friends is wiser before it is too late.

Therefore, one must make friendships with good and decent people and always keep a safe distance from the bad company.

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