Home » English Essay » Essay on “Caught In A Storm” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English Language.

Essay on “Caught In A Storm” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English Language.

Caught In A Storm

Although dark clouds gathered above us, we were too determined on playing cricket. We hoped that the clouds would go away so that we could continue playing.

Our hopes were shattered when suddenly heavy rain began to pour. In a few seconds, we were all completely wet. To make matters worse, lightning flashed dangerously. The ear-splitting thunder and strong wind did not help either.

We ran towards a large tree under which we had parked our bicycles. The tree provided some shelter from the rain. We decided to remain under it. However, we knew that it was dangerous to stay under a tree during a thunderstorm. Therefore, we got on our bicycles and pedaled off.

There was no other shelter available nearby. I decided to go home. Since I was already completely wet, I returning home was the best option rather seeking shelter somewhere.

It was just about the strongest storm I had ever been. The thick rain made riding the bicycle more difficult. I could not see more than a couple of metres in front of me. A car flashed past me. It was too close for comfort. I thought that I had a close brush with death. Perhaps the driver did not even see me. I thought it was better to stop somewhere before I was hit by another car.

Fortunately, I found a bus stop with a roof. I hurried joyfully under the roof. I had to share it with a dozen other people who were also soaked to the skin. It was a bit uncomfortable and squeeze but as there was no other option nobody complained.

For an hour, the storm smashed everything around us. We were silent spectators to an awesome display of power by nature. I felt very small and helpless, even afraid; but I could do nothing but watch.

Finally, the rain slowed down to a drizzle and the wind died. I could still hear distant thunder but the worst of the storm was over. Happily, I got on my bicycle and pedaled home. 

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  1. Madhusha Mukherjee says:

    Very nice essay……. It was not too big but not very small to describe all necessary points….. Many figures of speech were used, which added to the beauty of the essay…. Overall, it was enjoyable reading it 🙂

    1. gyaniq says:

      Thank You Madhusha Mukherjee for your valuable comment.

  2. Evie says:

    I think all these phrases took excellent to a whole new level. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

  3. Senul says:

    I love this

  4. Soham Saraf says:

    very nice essay it helped me a lot

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