Home » English Essay » Essay on “Man Proposes but God Disposes” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12

Essay on “Man Proposes but God Disposes” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12

Man Proposes but God Disposes

People may make plans, but they cannot control the outcome of their plans. In life, we often make plans for the future. We may decide on what to do in future and how something should turn out. However, the fact is that despite our wishes it may not happen. That is because God or rather fate decides to settle it in its own way.

A rich man may dream to open a five-star hotel, which needs a heavy investment. Before he can progress with his plans, some misfortune strikes him and he loses all his wealth or he may even lose his life. Inspite of the man’s wish to open an aristocratic hotel, he fails to do. Thus, God or fortune decides against him. Hence, the proverb, `Man proposes but God disposes’ can be applied here.

Unpredictability is always there in life. We human beings are helpless to challenge the will of God or destiny. The ultimate decision always lies with the Supreme power. We can only desire and struggle towards achieving it. Our dreams and desires may or may not be fulfilled. Thus, this proverb tries to explain that the power of God is ultimate and at the end only God’s wish, will come true. However, strongly we may struggle against it, the outcome depends on the His final choice and decision.

The will of God is often what we call fate. If fate is against us, the worst is liable to occur. However, if God wills that our wishes should come true than eventually they will certainly become a reality.

People must accept the fact that whatever they desire to achieve through their will power, efforts, hard work and intellectual potentialities, there is a limit to their abilities as there is some supernatural power to determine and shape the things at the end. Sometimes or most of the times the end may be against man’s proposal.

Man can place before himself an objective and can strive hard to achieve it by putting forth all his determination and labours. It has been well said that there is a limit to man’s abilities. God shapes the end of man’s objective. Man can only propose to achieve something and work himself towards the attainment. Even the achievement itself is not in his hands.

Nevertheless, there is some power, which shapes the end and so it is very appropriate to say – ‘Man proposes and God disposes’.

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