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Essay on “Plight of An Examination” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12

Plight of An Examination

“Oh God do not put me to test” is the common saying of most of the students before their examination. Although examinations strengthen our personality, they are an evil dream for me. Examinations make me tremble with the fear of failure. Most of the times, it makes me unhappy and dissatisfied. The desire to play, pass time with friends and cousins as well as the temptation to enjoy seems to disappear as soon as I think of the examination.

Before the examination, I have to suspend all my pleasure-giving activities. I stop playing cricket, cancel my Sunday outings with parents and forget about cartoons and movies. I only talk about books and questions. I keep on discussing different concepts in different subjects with my mother and teachers. They make different plans to implement over me. During the examinations, I study hard with doors of my room shut.

A night before the commencement of the examinations is a horrible night. I start thinking of questions and the question papers. In the morning, I pray for some time. I feel as if everything has vanished form my memory. I start thinking “This question is sure shot,” “Am I fully prepared for today’s examination?”

My heart beats faster as I enter the examination hall. In the examination hall, just before I receive my question paper I once again remember my God. If the question paper appears difficult, I feel more nervous. I immediately request for a glass of water. However, if it is easy I start solving the questions happily. Sometimes, in this case also, I find myself unhappy because I fail short of time to finish my paper.

After the examination, the sorrows stick to me. I talk to my friends, “I was a bit confused” or “I could not finish the paper”. Even after all the papers are over, I do not feel satisfied. I keep on calculating my marks and expect to secure at least 13′ grade.

When the result is to be announced, I again feel nervous. I try to find my roll number on the noticeboard before taking the marksheet from my class teacher. If it is missing, I have to bear the hurtful remarks of the neighbours, friends and relatives. In case I get through, I am never satisfied with my marks. Therefore, for me sorrow and examination go side by side. To a certain extent, examination means sorrows to me because my plight for an examination never ends.

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  1. Navya says:

    Essay writting on plight of an examination

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