Understanding Religion
Religion helps in uniting people together. Due to religious activities and gatherings, followers of a specific religion come together at the same time. This helps in developing agreement and harmony among them. By coming together and realising the fact that they are the followers of a specific religion, a feeling of goodwill is promoted within them. They start coordinating with each other. People of a particular religion assume that they are superior and different from the members of other religion. They come together and unite strongly at the time of conflict with other religion. Religion encourages and preaches people to visit their respective places of worship on a specific day of the month or week, practice religious sermons and discussions or to take part in charity and feeding the poor people. Such activities further bring them more close to each other. Performing religious ceremonies and duties provide emotional and spiritual peace to the person. Thus, one can say that religion has a positive energy within it. Every religion encourages its followers to involve themselves in such works that prove beneficial for the entire society. Religion helps to maintain order in society. Sacred texts and religious leaders inspire the importance of religion in the minds of people. Social order is also maintained due to religious norms. Fear of punishment and respect for religious leaders is created from young age. Those who have faith in their religion believe that breaking religious rules is a terrible, wicked, sinful and evil act. They further believe that on the bases of ethics, righteous actions and sins committed throughout one’s lifetime, one attains heaven or hell after death.