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Essay on “When I Visited a Radio Station” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10

When I Visited a Radio Station

The FM radio station is an important place. One cannot visit it whenever he wishes. There is a specific process for visiting the radio station.

Last month when I visited Delzin FM 111.1 radio station, I came across many new things. In one of the on-air contests, I had won an invitation pass to attend a live educational program. The program was to be conducted by RJ Sanjay. Special dignitaries from certain educational institutions were invited for the discussion. This program had to be broadcasted in front of the live audience.

I took my parents’ permission and started from house at eleven in the morning. The program was going on-air at one o’clock. I boarded a local bus and reached the radio station before an hour. It was huge and beautiful three-storied blue glass building. It was neat and clean from inside as well as outside. Before entering, I was asked to pass through a metal detector for security reasons. As soon as I entered the building, I saw a reception counter attached to a huge hall where at least sixty to seventy people were sitting and working. Some of them were working on computers. In the beginning, I was puzzled. Soon I found sign plates showing the names of different departments.

For the very first time I saw a huge room full of machines indicating small red and green lights. I also saw the recording room where a program was being recorded. It was a soundproof room. Next, I saw a technical department. Here people were keeping a close watch so that the things that were broadcasted stayed faultless. Qualified and skillful technicians were busy operating number of machines.

After I walked through different departments of the radio station, I came to the room where the live program was going to be conducted. I occupied my seat. Soon RJ Sanjay accompanied with three dignitaries entered the room. Everybody stood up and welcomed them with huge round of applause. Audience was told to maintain discipline and pin drop silence during the live program. The program began. Several questions were asked by the RJ. Even some people from the audience were allowed to ask questions. The discussion went on for almost an hour. It was a very good learning experience.

At the end of the program, I came out. Now I had not only seen the radio station but also participated as an audience in a live program. I returned home with good memories. The memory of that day is still fresh in my mind.

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