Everyone endeavours to make himself as agreeable to society as he can, but it often happens that those who aim at shining in conversation overshoot their mark. Though a man succeeds, he should not, as is frequently the case, engross the whole talk to himself, for that destroys the very essence of conversation which is, talking together. We should try to keep up conversation like a ball bandied to and fro, from one to the other, rather than seize it all to ourselves and drive it before us like a football. We should likewise be cautious to adapt the matter of any discourse to our company, and not all Greek before ladies, or of the latest far below to meeting of country justices.
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Title:- Good Conversation
It is not easy to be a good conversationalist. One, who wants to be so, should not monopolise the conversation but let others also talk, for in real conversation every individual plays his part. Besides, one should avoid topics which are unfamiliar to one’s company.
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