When did the first aerial warfare take place? Aerial Warfare The first AERIAL WARFARE operations were carried out by the Italian Army Aviation Corps over Libya during the Italo-Turkish War of 1911-12
When did the first aerial warfare take place?

When did the first aerial warfare take place? Aerial Warfare The first AERIAL WARFARE operations were carried out by the Italian Army Aviation Corps over Libya during the Italo-Turkish War of 1911-12
Who did the first aerial crop-dusting-mechanized agricultural farming? Aerial Crop-Dusting The first AERIAL CROP-DUSTING was carried on behalf of the Ohio Agricultural Experimental Station by Lt. John B. Macready using a Cruise JN6 light aircraft to dust 6-acre catalpa grave infested with leaf caterpillars, at...
Which was the advertisement with attractive photographic illustrations published in print media? Advertisement, Photographically Illustrated ADVERTISEMENT of Harrison Patent Knitting Machine Company of Portland Street was the first photographically illustrated advertisement to be published. It was carried in the Parrot a popular humorous magazine...
Which was the first nation in the world to legalize abortion by law? The USSR under a decree of 1920 was the first nation to legalize.
Who was the first to classify the human blood group systems on the form which is now widely accepted in the medical practice internationally? The Austrian-born American biologist Karl Landsteiner in 1901 was the first to classify the human blood group system-ABO BLOOD GROUPS. The...
Who were the early users of abbreviations? The early use of the ABBREVIATIONS were found in the ancient Greek inscriptions e.g. DN for Dominus Noster and the Quran (Medieval MSS).
How Big Is Our Universe? To conceive an actual picture of the size and magnitude of the universe is not possible for the human mind. We are unaware of its size. To imagine even, as to how big it might be, is quite hard. We...
Which was the biggest carnivore? The biggest carnivore was the dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Rex. It was over 5 metres in height and 14 metres tall. Its head alone was more than a metre in length. It could swallow a human being whole by opening its mouth...
When did the Red Cross start? It was at the initiative of Henri Dunant, a Swiss national, that the Red Cross was formed. After seeing the carnage of war during the battle of Solferino in June 1859, Dunant wrote a pamphlet about the horrors he...
What is the caste system? The caste system is found in Indi It divides people into five social classes. At the top are the Brahmins or priestly caste. Next come the kshatriyas or warriors and earthly rulers. The vaisyas, merchants and artisans, come third. Sudras...