Home » English Essay » English Essay on “Modern Science” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 Students.

English Essay on “Modern Science” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 Students.

Modern Science


The present age is the age of science. The effect of science is great. The life of human beings is affected by it. It has made man as “super crown creature” of all creatures. The impossible things of the past have become possible in the present with the help of science. Science has become part and parcel of every step of human beings.


Science is a true helper to man. With the help of it, men have been able to conquer nature. It has provided happiness by giving various comforts and luxuries. It is due to science, time and distances have become shorter and shorter. It has lots of importance at present age because in this modern age man can travel 1000 km either by land or water within a few hours. There is no danger of losing life and property to robbers and wild animals even though we travel through jungle and mountain.


Science has played tremendous efforts to provide services to them. Due to modern science, people are able to use computers and help to develop different programmers in the field of medicine, energy, space, environment conservation, and so on.


Due to invention of the atomic bomb, weapons it has raised the question for human existence. The Discovery of new things are making people slave and incompetent. Its negative sides should be minimized and used for the betterment of living beings.


In this way, we can see that modern science has brought revolution in human lifestyle. It is the effects of discoveries of modern science, and its success depends upon us on the right use of it.

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