My I-Pod
In the four years since its introduction, the i-Pod has proven to be a versatile little device. Content creators and software makers put information at your fingertips when you’re on the go. Would-be designers have added to the fashionable styling of the now-ubiquitous white ear buds. Hardware makers and enthusiasts have augmented the I-pod with new add-on gadgets. So much so, that now I can do so many more things with my I-pod besides just listen to music.
For starters I can use my I-pod as a substitute for a torch, I can use the backlight to find my way in the dark, especially when Pm trying to find my seat in a dark movie theater. I can use my i-pod in many ways, from finding out where the nearest Pizza outlet is, to storing my photos. Well, the latest offering is, I can even make videos and store them. I can record music, which is common, but I can also share it. I can use my i-pod as my personal secretary filled with my appointments and to do lists. I can browse the web and that is so important. I can use it as my personal blog space, record my thoughts and then post them on to the web when I get near a computer.
All this with just my I-pod, and if this is not enough, everyday technology and creative minds are dreaming up more things to do and optimize your I-pod, and when I got my I-pod, I thought I was just going to listen to music.