Home » English Essay » Essay on “School Trip to A Bird Sanctuary” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12

Essay on “School Trip to A Bird Sanctuary” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12

School Trip to A Bird Sanctuary

Last Thursday my school had organized a trip to the Karnala Bird Sanctuary, which is located on the main Mumbai-Goa road in Panvel district. As we were about to rich the sanctuary, from a distance, we could have a sight of a thumb-shaped projection of rock. It was the historic Karnala Fort. The sanctuary is spread out around the base of the fort covering some 12 square kilometres.

As we approached the sanctuary, we could see rhesus macaques (a type of monkey) sitting on the either side of the road. Langurs too were playing on the trees. There was a huge board at the entrance listing the fines paid by visitors for littering around. It seemed that the sanctuary was very serious about plastic waste and other rubbish left by visitors. Moreover, there were officers who kept a lookout for litterers.

Birds were out from the time of sunrise. As we walked up the reserve, we could hear the weak chirping of sunbirds. Since they are tiny and fly about constantly, we had to strain our necks and eyes to see them properly. Barbets, orioles, leaf birds, paradise flycatchers, warblers and thrushes were found in Karnala’s forest. We could also spot the shahin falcon and the crested serpent eagle and woodpeckers. I even spotted a few bulbuls by the bushel.

We were lucky to see a wild boar, mongoose and a mouse deer. Near the entrance, we could see peacocks, peahens, cockatoos and rabbits in cages house. Injured and rescued birds were also kept here to recover. There were two rest houses where tourists can book a room if they want to stay for a few days.

Although it is said that the best time to visit Karnala is between October and March, the rainy season is also wonderful. The whole area had turned a lush green. Bird lovers visit here for a glimpse of the Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher, which is a very colourful bird that breeds near the streams inside the forest.

At the end of the trip, we came out. Now I had not only seen the bird sanctuary but also collected different information relating to different birds. I returned home with a happy heart. The memory of this trip is still fresh in my mind.

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