Home » English Essay » Essay on “What Does A Winner Feel?” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10

Essay on “What Does A Winner Feel?” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10

What Does A Winner Feel?

Winners are a different breed altogether! As human beings, it is natural for the victorious to feel elation and a certain satisfaction for their achievements, the relief that their hard work paid off.

A real winner has certain traits peculiar to him. First of all, he never appears the winner as he is humble and does not attempt self-glorification. He also does not live on past laurels but thinks of ways to improve himself. The best part is that he competes with no one but himself, his aim being to outdo his own performance. The real winner does not work for success and its glory; he just works whole heartedly in the right direction. He is secure of himself and does not take criticism adversely. There was a boy in my class who always came first while I came second. We were together for three years. I would score a mark or two higher in English and he would race ahead with his Maths scores. I have to admit that he was a class apart. His notes never had an untidy page, he was active in class, he was most unassuming and most importantly, he was not a book worm. He played all games, he was naughty, he watched all kinds of movies and he was in the library whenever you decided to visit. When the results were announced, he was composed and I always felt that he lacked emotion.

I am sure he felt a deep satisfaction within, but he took it in his stride. Girls and women are far more expressive and so the victory brings a glow to their face and animated expressions too. I believe, a winner feels that he is ready for more after that brief period of joy.

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