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Essay on “What Makes You Special?” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10

What Makes You Special?

I grew up loved and cherished as I was the youngest of my siblings. I always felt special.

In the eighth grade there was a girl called Sanju in my class. She was the duffer of the class while I was the comedian of the class. Everybody avoided Sanju but I always needed somebody to laugh at my jokes and even Sanju would do. One day, the literature teacher gave us a topic for an essay – “Who has influenced your life the most” and everyone was shocked when the teacher said that Sanju had scored the highest on this essay. Sanju came forward to read her essay and I was embarrassed and overwhelmed when she read that she was influenced. by me. Sanju said that the only person who treated her like she was not a duffer was me and that I had made her believe that she was a special person. I had once told Sanju that although she wasn’t good in math and science she had gifted hands and no one could draw quite like her. She said that from that day she had stopped indulging in self pity and began to believe in herself.

That day Sanju did something for me that she never realized. She unknowingly told me what made me special. I had the potential to make people believe in themselves, in their dreams. I had the potential to spur them to see their dreams materialize. I had the special ability to make things better with my wit. Yes, what makes me special is that I have the unique ability to make others feel special.

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