Home » English Essay » How does gambling affect society? IELTS Writing 7-8 + 9 Band Sample Task 2 Essay Topic for students.

How does gambling affect society? IELTS Writing 7-8 + 9 Band Sample Task 2 Essay Topic for students.

How does gambling affect society?

People who gamble bet money on an event where the result is uncertain. They do so with the intention of winning money, hopefully a great deal. Gambling can take many different forms. It involves, for example, card games, horse racing, dog racing, and casino games. Also, many people bet on the results of sports events, such as football matches.

Gambling plays a significant part in many societies and it has brought both advantages and disadvantages. People in favour of gambling argue that it is the favourite form of entertainment of a great many people. Such people should be allowed to indulge in their chosen form of relaxation, as others do.

A common argument put forward to stress the benefits of gambling is an economic one. Many governments make a great deal of money out of gambling in the form of taxes on it. Then, there is the impact on local economies. The gambling industry provides employment for a considerable number of people in establishments relating to the practice, such as casinos and race courses.

Furthermore, there are people who are not directly employed in the gambling industry whose jobs depend on it. This is true of such people as horse breeders. Many of these breeders and their assistants provide horses for racing; so, they are reliant on gambling for their livelihood to a great extent.

People employed in the hotel industry, the restaurant business and tourism generally may also be affected by gambling. A hotel with a house casino may do more business and require more staff. When this catches on, some areas and some cities become tourist attractions because of their gambling facilities. Given that the tourist industry is a very profitable one, this is good news for both local and national economies.

Many countries organize national lotteries. The lottery is a gambling system, often set up to raise money for public causes or charities. A great many people buy lottery tickets regularly, thus providing much money for charitable organizations or projects that might otherwise struggle to survive for lack of funds.

Gambling, then, can be seen to have benefited society a good deal. However, it is not without its disadvantages. Many families know this only too well.

Most people keep their gambling at a sensible and affordable level. They may have a flutter on the major horse races in the year. They may fill in a football coupon each week, paying a relatively small sum of money. They may visit a casino occasionally, but spend no more than the amount they decided on beforehand.

Problems arise when gambling becomes an addiction. Just as people become addicted to drugs or alcohol, so people become addicted to gambling, something they are unable to stop themselves from doing. This can have just as much of a damaging effect on the individuals and their families as drug addiction and alcohol addiction.

However, gambling addiction may not be quite so easy to spot. People tend to drift into the gambling habit. They may start gambling in a small way and then gradually increase their involvement. Eventually, they become completely obsessed with gambling, convinced that they will, one day, hit the jackpot and become wealthy. Meanwhile they get into debt and neglect both their family and job. They may even steal to feed their gambling habit.

There is no doubt that gambling brings economic benefits to society in general. However, we must not forget the human cost, nor the likelihood that it will increase. Online gambling is making it easier for people to risk their money in the hope of winning more. It is very likely to cause ever more people to become addicted. Society must not ignore the harmful effects of gambling, but must find ways of dealing with and preventing them.

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