Home » English Essay » Essay on “A Day in A Doctor’s Life” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12

Essay on “A Day in A Doctor’s Life” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12

A Day in A Doctor’s Life

Doctors enjoy an elevated status in society. This is because of their dedicated work which goes beyond the fixed nine to five pattern, beyond holidays and beyond their own comfort and family life. The reference here is to a Doctor who lives by the Hippocratic Oath.

Medicine is a vast field and consequently, doctors have different specializations. Their work schedule varies depending on their field. Here is a day in Dr A’s life. The phone rings at 0445 with an emergency in hospital, the baby being born is losing its heart rate. The doctor reaches in ten minutes. The sister’s negligence has caused a still-born. The doctor is furious. There are many things to be taken care off including the lady who has just delivered the still-born child. There are four cases of pregnancies that are about to take place, one a C-section and the others normal. One patient is a high blood pressure case. While preparations are being carried out for the C-section, the doctor hurriedly shaves in his cabin, has a quick bite and looks over the formalities of the still born. He then, sees a few routine cases before the surgery. The day progresses, the surgery is done and the time is past two in the afternoon. The next delivery has an hour or two to go. He quickly goes home which is within the premises, to bathe and freshen up. He is back at four and then takes two deliveries which last till eight in the evening. He goes on his rounds to see the patients who are admitted and then calls it a day, leaving instructions to be called whenever required.

This was an average day in the life of a gynecologist. Doctors are indeed a blessing to life.

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