My Social Responsibilities
Social responsibility is an ethical or ideological theory that, an entity whether it is a government, corporation, organization or individual has a responsibility to society at large. As a member of the society, I am aware that I have an individual social responsibility.
I am passively socially responsible as I abstain from illegal activities of any kind but I am actively socially responsible when I ensure that I do not litter and carry garbage over miles home, if I do not see a bin. I personally ensure that my children do the same. I try and ensure that we reduce our carbon foot prints by conserving electricity and gas. I do not allow wastage of either water or food as far as possible. When I can, I either educate a child or contribute in my own little way to charity trusts. When we outgrow clothes which are still in a decent condition or have a collection of toys the children do not use, we donate them to the needy instead of just discarding them. Last but not the least, I try and imbibe the sense of humanity as well as that of country, in my young ones. We have a duty to perform as citizens of this country and that is never neglected.
I am a firm believer of leading by example and I try my best to do the same in order to mould my children, the future generation, to be responsible citizens.